Long Ago and Far Away

I remember then
Can that be wrong
To know about it
Is not an action
It just exists at a point
A fixed star
Another time
To know does not imprison
The dust shows the travels
From yesterday.

It can be a teacher
If not drug through the mud of today’s troubles
But washed clean by rain
Restored in faith
That there was goodness there.

Allow the many colors to glow
Illumined by Sun Rays
To see it as it is
In brillance
Is a gift given
Why return it
The value of an antique
Lies in preservation of history
With today’s appreciation
of all that is fine and beautiful.

“Let the wild rumpus begin…”

So Universe,

Today is it.  The First Day, and by that I mean the day when new things begin.  What we miss, most of the time, is that new beginnings can happen any day.  Any day WE CHOOSE. It happens the day we say, “Yes.”  It happens the day that we quit making excuses.  So, no excuses, no fear……and ladies and gentlemen, we  have lift off!! Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!

I hope to find new friends, and keep the old, as the song goes, so I am inviting you to participate in this new Adventure Extravaganza, nod to woodhand where I borrowed the term, with me.  The things I already know, I will share and the new things…..well, I will most likely be very enthusiastic.  So the question becomes…..

What are you enthusiastic about?  That thing you do that you enjoy so much, you lose all track of time?  Some of the adults out there may think of the sexual realm, but that is not what I am speaking about.  It is ok to joke, but the question is serious.  Sometimes joking is a way of keeping our distance from a subject that we are not ready to approach yet.  Laughing is allowed, in fact, I encourage you to do so.  Laughter is actually needed as a release and is especially needed during convalescence from an illness.  But, that is for another day.  Today, It’s all about enjoying a new dance.  Shall we ?

O.K., here goes.  So hey, thanks for reading…. and a great big dancing blessing upon you.